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5 camping fails to avoid this summer

Thinking about going camping this summer? We’ve got you covered. Dust off your tent, grab some marshmallows, purchase a rechargeable battery and check out our top 5 camping fails to avoid this summer.

1. Not packing warm clothes

New Zealand weather is a fickle thing. Yes, you might be heading off on your camping trip during the height of summer and, yes, you might have triple checked the weather report, but let’s face it - that doesn’t mean anything when it comes to New Zealand weather.

The best way to approach camping clothing is to hope for the best but expect the worst. Regardless of where you’re going, make sure to pack a waterproof jacket, a warm jumper and thick socks because there are no heaters in the bush!

2. Eating nothing but scroggin

Just because you’ve decided to go bush for a few days doesn’t mean you have to subsist on two minute noodles and cans of tuna. Make sure you take a camping stove and don’t forget the gas bottle! You’re probably not going to be whipping up Michelin-star meals on the barbie, but you might be surprised with what you can cook up with a bit of planning.

3. Forgetting essential gear

There’s nothing worse than arriving at your campsite after a long drive only to discover that you’re missing your tent pegs. Don’t be that person. Make a list of everything you’ll need for the trip and, if it’s been a while since you’ve used your gear, take the time to test it out in your backyard. Set up your tent and make sure all the pieces are there, test your torch and check your solar shower for leaks.

4. Washing or bathing in natural water sources

Nature is fragile. It’s important to remember that even the residue of certain products can affect the environment. Dishwashing liquid, soap and toothpaste all contain ingredients that can have a significant impact on aquatic life. Minimise your footprint by purchasing biodegradable products. Missing a warm shower while your camping? Look at purchasing a solar shower before you go.

5. Staying glued to your phone

Camping is the perfect time for a much-needed digital detox. Sure, go ahead and take a few photos and check your work emails if you absolutely have to, but otherwise try to keep your eyes off the screen for a few days. There are no charging station in the bush, so if you can’t go without, check out these portable power banks.

Make the switch to low cost electricity

There are no power bills to worry about when you’re out camping in the wild, but what happens when you get back to civilisation?

Here at Pulse Energy, we’re proud to provide low cost electricity and friendly, local customer support that’s second to none. Whether you’re camping in the wops or binge watching your favourite TV series from the comfort of your home, we’ll do everything we can to keep your power bill under control.

We reckon that’ll make a happy camper out of just about anyone.

Call us on 0800 785 733 today to learn more.

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