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May 2023 Update

A message from Pulse Energy's CEO, Sharnie Warren. 

As a 100% community-owned business, Pulse Energy is committed to providing great products and services to our customers.

It's been an exciting few months here at Pulse Energy and I would like to share with you the latest news and initiatives. 


Pulse Energy Lend a Hand Foundation. 

We’re proud to announce our sponsorship of the Pulse Energy Lend a Hand Foundation. The Foundation supports the Central Otago community, by granting funds to charitable organisations and individuals. 


Find out more
Lend a Hand Foundation.
Pay it Forward Programme. 

Since October 2022, we've been matching our customers' contributions dollar for dollar, which has now been extended until March 2024!* We also boosted the Pay it Forward fund and contributed an additional $50,000 due to the recent weather events to help more customers during a time when they need it most. *Terms apply.

Community Grants Programme. 

Last year, we launched our new Community Grants Programme, where we had five $1,000 grants to donate to a local project or organisation. We're pleased to announce that the winners of the Community Grants are Ko Taku Reo Deaf Education NZ, Sunshine lodge Taupo, Westport Menz Shed, Kawerau Putauaki School, and Blue Brothers. 

Find out more
Community grant
Our Digital Employee, Fern.

Our digital employee Fern is available to help 24/7 on our website. Fern can help with account specific questions like your account balance, when your bill is due, payment options, and more.


Chat with Fern
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Join Pulse Energy today and receive a $200 joining credit on your first power bill plus 2 months free broadband.* ​

Please complete the form below and one of the team will be in touch soon.​

​*Terms apply​

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