We recently asked you for your energy saving tips that help you to manage your energy costs in your household, and we have been overwhelmed with the responses! Below, we have put together a few of our favourites, some creative recommendations, and some 'power saving' myths! Read on to find out new ways to save on power.
Opting for air fryer/microwave/slow cooker over using the oven.
Boiling the kettle over the fire instead of using electric kettle.
Always keeping a kettle over the fire so we have hot water on hand.
When using the oven, try to cook other meals at the same time if they need it, rather than turning on the oven multiple times a day.
Just filling the jug with water that I need – not over filling and requiring more power for unused water!
Small families/students: meal prep! Only use the kitchen 1-2 days a week.
Pulling curtains early: as soon as the sun leaves that room, pull the curtains and trap the heat in! Best for bedrooms during the day when no one is in them.
Using door cosys to keep heat in. A rolled up towel works too!
Dressing warmer around the house – layer up before turning heating on.
Using a dehumidifier to keep the house dry, saves on heating power.
Timers on power sockets where 24/7 power is not required.
TV off during the day! We used to be notorious for leaving the TV on all day. Now it's off unless we are present watching!
Warming a wheat sack/hot water bottle to keep in bed, swaps out the need for electric blanket.
Using a window condensation dryer for crying windows: makes drying windows so easy and not a chore, and keeps rooms dry!
Lights and lamps off if no one is in the room.
Swapping out lightbulbs for energy efficient bulbs/LED bulbs.
Summer time and winter time duvets and sheets: keeps a good temperature seasonally so less need for heating or cooling appliances!
Ways of saving creatively!
Regular spotlight nights with the kids: Gets everyone outdoors and spending time together, plus saves TV, indoor lighting etc for the night!
Teaching the kids to pay the power bill, educates them on how the expenses work and keeps them mindful.
A GOOD pair of ugg boots will keep you so toasty you don't need to have the heating on!
Purchase a couple of solar powered portable chargers: charge during the day then charge phones, laptops etc at night.
Below, we have put together a few myths of power saving to highlight commonly mistaken beliefs:
"Short dishwasher cycles use less power because they are shorter."
Explained: a 'speed' cycle on a dishwasher tends to use more power as it requires more energy and heat to deliver a faster wash. Try to use the eco setting when you can. This cycle is longer, so best to put on before leaving the house or at night.
"We only use the heat pump when we need it during the day."
Explained: If you are turning the heatpump on and off frequently during the day, you may be using more power than you think. The most energy efficient way utilising your heat pump is to have it run at a constant temperature between 18 - 21 degrees only when you are home.
"Heated washing machine cycles will get my clothes more clean."
Explained: A heated wash can use up to 10X more power than a cold wash! Most modern detergents and washing machines will get your clothes just as clean with a cold wash. Warm washes should be reserved for those extra dirty washes and where fabrics require it.
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